Quest for Blogging
I’m delighted to share what made to start Blogging turn out Hobby .Foremost, it was my choice to keep a digital part-of-me on web and beliving this would help to judge onlself in long run.
As a naive individual on disruptive landscape of WWW referring to changing technologies; one should be ready with clear path from choosing technology and what is his role in the context on blogging, and most importantly; How fast he can acheive all of this ?. if this argumment has proper roadmap and clarity of thought. He/She can Go Ahead!
My situation before choosing technology was like ‘Maze Solving’. Tracing ideas upon are these acheivable ? and going to scratch again; until a shortest path is identified after a significant thought work, and it was a universal choice by many as i stumbled upon Jekyll as my blog parser in-short “Builds static websites from dynamic components like markdown, templates,liqiudcode” and typical jekyll site looks this
|-- _config.yml
|-- _includes
|-- _layouts
| |-- default.html
| |-- post.html
|-- _posts
| |-- 2018-1-1-open-source-is-good.markdown
| |-- 2018-1-1-hello-world.markdown
|-- _site
|-- index.html
|-- assets
|-- css
|-- style.css
|-- javascripts
to be continued…….,
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